09 April 2015

Circular Dictionary, where are you?

It is surprisingly hard to find a .NET implementation of a "circular dictionary".

(At least not in the 15 minutes that I looked for one)

In my definition, it's a dictionary for key-based lookups that won't exceed a set capacity. It does this by removing oldest entries to make room for new ones. My use case for this to keep a limited history of the last ??? IDs which have been issued. That way, if a client has a transient network failure, they can just retry with the same request ID, and I will provide the same answer back. I could even save the history periodically so it could be loaded on startup if the failure was server-side. However, the capacity limit is needed so that memory usage doesn't grow unbounded over time.

I originally looked at using an OrderedDictionary for this purpose, but it's implementation is such that a Remove operation is O(n), because it copies all the elements of the array down when one is removed.

The way around that is to use a circular buffer instead of an array that is always strictly ordered. In other words, when the array fills up, it just loops back around to the beginning and starts replacing existing entries.

However, it took me a surprising amount of thought to come up with a solution. And after all that mind churn, the implementation isn't even complicated. You will have to forgive the very OO-centric F#, though.

namespace Xe.DataStructures

open System.Collections.Generic

type CircularDictionary<'key, 'value when 'key : equality>(capacity: int) =
    inherit Dictionary<'key, 'value>(capacity)

    let maxIndex = capacity - 1
    let buffer = Array.zeroCreate<'key> capacity
    let mutable isFull : bool = false
    let mutable next : int = 0

    member me.CircularAdd(key:'key, value:'value) =
        let put () =
            me.Add(key, value)
            buffer.[next] <- key
        let moveNext () =
            if next = maxIndex then
                isFull <- true
                next <- 0
                next <- next + 1

        let clear () =
            |> ignore

        if isFull then clear()

The unit tests for this are stupid -- too long and boring to post. It's akin to calling CircularAdd, then verifying the count, verifying the last X items are still in the dictionary, and verifying that ones added before that are not.

Obviously things: Not thread safe. Call CircularAdd after checking that the key doesn't already exist. Initialize with positive capacity. At least my use case obviates all these things, so I didn't bother with them. Feel free to use, but I'm not responsible for it breaking when you use it. :)

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