29 January 2014

CQRS and Actors

In looking through the DDD/CQRS google group, I came across a discussion about using the Actor model as the computational model for DDD/CQRS.

This immediately struck me as interesting, and even more so after listening to the episode of the Being the Worst podcast. Part of the overhead of CQRS/Messaging/ES, and a regular pain for me, is the whole handler piece. Most handler methods seem pretty boilerplate. Load something (e.g. aggregate or process manager), collect resources for it, do something with it, save it. All of this is pretty dull, and it must be written for every message. I think the actor model could have some good ideas to offer here.

The handler has been the catch-all for any infrastructure concerns related to delivering a message, but has typically been observed doing the above-mentioned 4 steps. Load and Save are exactly the same for every event sourced object, so these could be pushed higher in the infrastructure. Ignoring resources for now, the execute step could be characterized as executing a method on the aggregate with the message contents as parameters. The aggregate can be changed to just receive the message directly. This could be implemented similarly to the typical actor semantics of tell(message). There now just needs to be a way to provide resources to the aggregate at the infrastructure level, so the domain stays isolated per DDD.

So perhaps we should formalize the arrangement of there being a resource factory for a particular aggregate type. This factory could be directly used as needed by the aggregate via an interface and dependency injected by the infrastructure (not that you need a DI or IoC container for this). The resource factory is not exactly a repository, since there are no writes to it, only reads, and so there are still no persistence entanglements in the domain.

So now we have increased the burden of the infrastructure code. Namely, matching resources with actors. But we have eliminated most of the need for handlers. (You could also say that we increased the burden with load and save code, but this code was duplicated so much in handlers, that I see it as a net savings.) There may still be a case I can't think of for having handlers for one-off purposes, but now they don't have to be created perfunctorily in every case. We have also formalized another infrastructural role for servicing the domain, the Resource Factory. This role already existed informally in handlers.

I will be experimenting with this approach.

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