18 September 2012

My Next Software Architecture

I've been thinking more about how to architect my next web-based software project. I'll be honest with you, I'm not a pro at this yet, but I'm trying to figure it out and get some experience. So I'm going to bounce some ideas off of you, Internet, as well as work out some of my thought processes. Here are some choices that I have in mind. Note that these things have been around a while, and I've played with them a little, but it's fairly new to me.

Profile and Strategy

Pretty much all of the web apps I write manage a business's internal workings and are not distributed (in the large-scale sense), or are at most distributed to a few satellite locations. (This has historically been handled by file replication, database replication, and private networks between locations.) Therefore, I'm not going to add extra trappings that require a lot of configuration or overhead. For example, I won't be using a durable message queue. The core of the system will be running in-memory, and the components will mostly communicate in-memory.

Earlier in my career, I thought it was a good idea to directly use business entities for UI views. That ends up leading to your domain objects being bloated with some UI-only concerns and vice versa. The common alternative is to create different view models as projections of your live business entities. But in order to do that, you have to load your business objects and map them to view objects. So this ends up with a lot of mapping code maintenance, and the mappings can get complicated.

The CQRS strategy keeps two sets of data updated; the domain (business) object data, and the view model data. The benefit here is that each can evolve at their own pace without greatly affecting the other. It's also a bit faster because it is no longer necessary to load the domain object first -- you just load the data straight from database to client. The downside is that you have to update 2 (or more) sets of data. But overall, it eases the complexity of trying to use one set of object for 2 distinct purposes.

My problem domains tend to be, on average, moderately complex because I'm representing internal processes of a business. DDD is meant to address complexity, but it's more about behaviors and communication patterns than code patterns. Probably the one code pattern to take away is to structure the domain objects in the same way and with the same names that customers use to describe their processes. That typically means insulating the domain objects from view and persistence concerns, and let it focus on business. If not doing CQRS also, you end up with the mapping code issue.

Using messaging brings additional overhead to the project. (As compared to direct method calls on domain objects.) But it decouples the clients from the domain and generally just bring options to the table. In my case, I'm leaning more towards a completely HTML/Javascript-based UI, so direct method calls into .NET are not an option anyway. I could write MVC actions which are coupled to domain methods, but in that case it's about as much overhead to implement as messaging (just a different kind of overhead), and the coupling still causes ripple effects and interface maintenance.

Specific Tactics/Tech

Event Sourcing
This tactic lets you represent your domain objects in persistent storage as a series of events, which are basically just classes with the appropriate contextual information. Examples: CustomerCreatedEvent, CustomerAddressCorrectedEvent, CustomerCreditLineRequestedEvent, etc. You can imagine all of these events having a customer id. The address event, you can imagine having properties related to address information.

This has a number of advantages including trace-ability, replay-ability, easy and performant persistence story. The main disadvantage I see to this is that some of the messaging concerns (events, specifically) end up leaking into your domain logic. However, anything message-related done by your domain objects is usually very simple (plain assignment statements).

But event sourcing also opens the possibility of using non-relational databases. For me, it is usually the case that the domain deals with relationships, and view models are relatively flat. When the domain is event sourced, the persistence format is flat. This opens up the doors to alternative databases (such as NoSQL) which tend to be faster and easier to work with. Which leads me to my next point...

NoSQL Database
A traditional SQL database provides a lot of capability for reporting. However, it's a real pain to work with for application data. Most of us don't think about it because it's become second nature. Running a basic SQL statement requires you to 1) have a magic string somewhere with the query or stored procedure to run, 2) wrangle objects like SqlDataAdapter, SqlConnection, etc., 3) map parameters into the query, and 4) try to run the query and interpret the results. (For select queries, there's the additional pain of mapping/casting the DataSet back to an object.). This is painful enough that most of us create abstractions around this process. The first evolution is a DAL that maps method calls to SQL statements. Later evolutions end up being a repository and/or ORM. An ORM requires that you stay abreast of the ORM-specific extensions and code around its design. A repository (or even a simple DAL) requires manual coding and maintenance. In the end, no matter what you do, dealing with SQL is a lot of work. Contrast that to the potential ease of using NoSQL databases, which could take your object as-is and store it straight to the database (e.g. db.Store(message);). That's with no custom-built abstractions, no magic string SQL statements, and no extra ORM framework to learn. That's one compelling persistence story. Even if you need a SQL database for reporting, this can just be an additional integration point as though it were another read model to update (from the CQRS story). :)

Additionally, some NoSQL databases have REST APIs, which means I wouldn't even have to implement a read-layer for the HTML5 UI. The only part that bothers me about the REST API is security. And I haven't yet researched my options there.

The websockets feature is one of the most exciting web technologies to come out in a while. It allows the server and client (e.g. browser) to push messages to each other in a low-impact way. Previously, I wasn't using any external bus (e.g. MSMQ), because the overhead and administration needed to use it wasn't worth it. But websockets are rather simple to get running and are still a developer concern (as opposed to an administrative concern like MSMQ). I want to use websocket connections to serve as my program's contact with the outside world. It's not a durable bus, but since my program is in-memory and not distributed, that really doesn't matter.

One other interesting point is that web sockets provide better asynchronous capabilities. If I send an AJAX request from JavaScript, to an MVC Action, both the AJAX request (on a separate browser thread) and the MVC Action are kept open and waiting until the program finishes the action. Using websockets, I have the capability to take the command, hand it off to a queue, then have a callback send a message back to that client notifying them of completion. I can also have an event websocket to allow external listeners.

The downside to WebSockets is the feature is not widely supported currently. To host WebSockets natively in IIS, you currently have to have Windows 8 or Windows 2012 Server. As far as clients, WebSockets is not supported on most browser versions aside from the current crop.

HTML5/Javascript UI w/ MVVM
HTML5/Javascript is pretty much the direction that the web has taken. I ruled out both WebForms and MVC (the design, not the project type) for the UI due to both performance and knowledge dependencies. Both approaches (traditionally) post back to the server, let the server make some UI decisions, and then send the decision (or command) on to the business layer (or domain). It's basically an extra hop (to use a network term) as compared to a purely in-browser UI. And as we all know, external communication is often the most expensive part of a given operation.

But performance alone is not enough, and in fact using a solely HTML5/Javascript UI is only possible due to some nice Javascript frameworks. My personal choice in the matter is jQuery and Kendo UI (which has controls, MVVM, data sources, etc.). With MVVM, you can completely separate the view from the model, which makes working with the code a lot easier. I end up with the following for each view: view (.html), style (.css), view helper (.js, for any extra control-related functions the view might need), and view model (.js). Then for more complex scenarios, I add more view models and/or script files which listen for view model changes and react accordingly. It's all pretty fast.

This style of development does take some getting-used-to compared to server-side UI development. But one of the reasons I like Kendo UI is because there are a lot of functions that are pre-integrated as compared to taking separate libraries for UI controls, MVVM, validation, etc. and trying to integrate them together.

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